Tree Pruning & Topping Services
Professional & Experienced Tree Pruning Team
The team at St Joseph Landscaping are experienced professionals in the craft of tree pruning and topping. It’s a job that takes precision and skill, not something that you want to leave to just anyone. So if you’re looking for a tree pruning service in Dublin or beyond, give us a call.
Tree pruning & topping, any site, any size.
Perhaps your property has some lovely trees but they’re become a bit unwieldy and need pruning back. Maybe your garden has a tree that is becoming a danger to itself and the adjacent wall. Whatever your tree problem, St Joseph Landscaping guarantees a professional, safe and reliable tree pruning service that won’t leave you cut short.
Pruning can actually save trees.
Did you know that pruning trees can actually save them? It may sound counterintuitive, but pruning back a tree can actually help bring back a decaying tree from the brink. By pruning back dead branches you’re allowing the tree to better thrive and give it an all round better chance of survival.
Pruning back trees prevents hazards.
It’s not just about aesthetics; pruning back an unwieldy tree can prevent a small problem from becoming a big (and dangerous) one. If branch growth gets out of hand it can knock over electricity or telecom wires, walls and even damage roofing. Don’t let a small problem become a big one, and definitely don’t leave it to non-professionals. St Joseph Landscaping will tackle your tree growth problem safely, efficiently and professionally.
Pruning can increase your natural light.
Trees in a garden can look great. But an overgrown one with a tangle of branches can cut out the amount of natural light getting into your property. You would be amazed at the drastic change in garden atmosphere that can be achieved just by pruning back tree branches, transforming a dark and dreary garden to a bright and airy one.
Get an affordable tree pruning quote today.
As we’ve mentioned, tree pruning and topping is a skilled craft requiring finesse that’s best left to the professionals. But it doesn’t have to break the bank either. Contact us today on 085 726 7409 or using the form here for a free estimate and a friendly chat about your tree pruning needs. You won’t be disappointed.